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Tag: historical fiction writers

Historical Fiction: Choosing Characters’ Names & Topics

Historical Fiction: Choosing Characters’ Names & Topics

Elizabeth Pye, author of historical fiction, speaks about choosing characters’ names and topics in an interview. This interview presents a number of ways Author Pye has used in naming historical characters. Learn about the author’s experiences in choosing the perfect name for her historical fiction books. Fiction writers having a hard time with name choices for fictional characters, let Pye’s twist on creating unique names inspire you.

How to Blend Fact and Fiction for Historical Fiction

How to Blend Fact and Fiction for Historical Fiction

How to blend fact and fiction for historical fiction is an art. Discover how Author Elizabeth Pye accomplishes the art in her historical fiction novels, The French Connection series.  How do you tell what is fact and what is fiction in a historical fiction book? Fiction writers include dialogue that seems to fit the era of their novels. In addition, part of the dialogue might actually have been recorded in a diary. One must consider, however, that even diary authors…

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