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Month: August 2023

Research Tips for Writing Historical Fiction

Research Tips for Writing Historical Fiction

If you are new at writing historical fiction, research tips by historical fiction authors. Besides giving practical advice, often authors will share a personal experience of their own research. For example, Elizabeth Pye visited France multiple times, and some of her experiences are included in this blog post.

Resources for a Historical Fiction Author

Resources for a Historical Fiction Author

Take a look at these resources for a historical fiction author suggested by Author Elizabeth Pye. Since authors of historical fiction are not cast from the same mold. reading historical fiction novels never gets old. If you ask ten authors what books they prefer to read, you’ll get ten different answers. Research, research, research. But then give yourself permission to write in ways that work best for you. 

Historical Fiction: Choosing Characters’ Names & Topics

Historical Fiction: Choosing Characters’ Names & Topics

Elizabeth Pye, author of historical fiction, speaks about choosing characters’ names and topics in an interview. This interview presents a number of ways Author Pye has used in naming historical characters. Learn about the author’s experiences in choosing the perfect name for her historical fiction books. Fiction writers having a hard time with name choices for fictional characters, let Pye’s twist on creating unique names inspire you.