Interests and Activities

Interests and Activities

The French Connection historical fiction novels written by Author Elizabeth Pye are inspired by her interests and activities, particularly her garden flowers and miniature room models that she creates.


Interests and Activities (pastimes) 

More About Me

Historical fiction is enhanced by an author’s pastimes in addition to research, including actual visits to a novel’s location. Elizabeth’s works exemplify the authenticity of settings due to her diligence in researching history and place.

historical fiction author
Elizabeth Pye
writing inspiration
Courtyard Inspiration








Hi, I’m Elizabeth and am so happy you stopped by today to visit my blog. I enjoy taking photos of my pastimes – they inspire my writing. Inspired by my flowers, I like to sit at my patio table to think and focus on my writing.

red flowers
Red and White
pink flowers
Pink Inspiration









pink hydrangea
Pink Hydrangea Bush


garden flowers
Pink Lucia Rose
Courtyard Cherub

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One of my favorite pastimes is assembling miniature room models as seen below. These creations are of locations featured in the narrative of Mon Amour, Friend or Foe.

historical France miniature room box
Miniature French Room Model


Miniatures Designed by Elizabeth Pye

for Mon Amour, Friend or Foe (a historical fiction novel)

Miniature Rooms



Miniature Rooms


Guy’s Chateau Lamont Bedroom

Learn more about making miniatures:

Order your copy of Elizabeth Pye’s The French Connection novels by clicking on the Amazon links below: